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In order for instances/services to propagate trace information to other services, they inject trace information as headers on outgoing requests. Receiving instances/services extract this information from the headers and use it when building spans, ensuring that the information is propagated.

Trace header formats

Not all vendors use the same format for propagating trace information in headers.

Trace propagators supported by FusionReactor

Header format Property value
W3C Trace Context tracecontext
W3C Baggage baggage
B3 Single b3
B3 Multi b3multi
Jaeger jaegar
AWS X-Ray xray
OT Trace ottrace

Properties used for propagation

Add to JVM arguments/options by prepending with -D.

Property key Default Description
fr.observability.trace.propagators "tracecontext,baggage" A comma-separated list of propagators to use.
Options: tracecontext,baggage,b3,b3multi,jaeger,xray,ottrace.
Use all to use all of them.

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