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Custom Metrics

On this page you can see custom metrics.  These metrics are usually submitted by using a FRAPI method.

FRAPI.getInstance().postMetric("metricName", 12.5);

There are many overloaded methods on FRAPI that can be used to post metrics.

Learn more


If you post a non-numeric metric to FRAPI, this will result in a column chart in place of the line graph.

Changing graph

To change the graph using the selector on the top right of the page. This selector will list all the currently available graphs.


If the graph is not listed, try refreshing the page. The selector will only update on a page refresh.


As a part of the metrics engine aggregates can be collected on the metrics. There are default aggregates that run every five seconds, one minute and one hour. These aggregates are can be enabled or disabled depending on the FRAPI method called.

There will be buttons on the bottom right of the graph that display the aggregates that are available for that graph.

FRAPI frapi = FRAPI.getInstance();
for(int i=0; i<10; i++)

Values that are put into the metrics engine using the FRAPI calls will not result in a automated sampler. This means that the graph will only render the points attached by the user, resulting in a Live graph that will end at the last point that was added. The graph will update as soon as the next point is added.

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